
The Mendip Golf Club


May 13th 2024

Despite the short 4-day week for the greenkeepers, this didn’t slow them down, even the sun was supporting them, and their very white legs!

The usual cuttings went ahead – Rough, semi, fairways, greens and tees all cut.

The permanent tee marker stones on the tees have been edged nicely, this gives great detail to the tee box’s. Little touches go a very long way.

The ball washers' water have all been changed and any repairs taken place.

Holes this week have been changed. - As the greens start to dry up in places and recover from the several months of doom and gloom. More pin placements will become available/accessible. However, the team will need to continue monitoring the weather forecast when changing any pin locations in the future.

The bunkers have had some much needed TLC, this included edging, weeding and tidying of the faces. Please be reminded to use the steps provided in the bunkers. When they are available, this will protect the edges of the bunkers and support your safety.

The Greens have been sprayed with a feed this week – Let it Grow, Let it Grow!

Verti-cutting of the aprons, this is to promote fresh growth, also should help thin them out and be able to provide better run up to the greens.

Big news update - The big toy has arrived.  – The new verti-drain is here! Already put to use on the back of the 10th green, more work is scheduled this week! This will allow the team to be even more efficient and quicker without over working the machine. The new tractor is more powerful, which will allow the team to comfortably power the new verti-drain without stressing it out. The tractor has a cab which allows work to be done on wet and cold days. With deep aeration down to 10 inches, this will really help drainage and plant health! The team say they need the deeper aeration to allow water movement through the profile and removing compaction. Improving playability and healthier soil and grass plants. In particular sulphur levels rise when soil is in prolonged periods of wetness. By the greenkeepers giving variation of depths of aeration, this will help to prevent hard pan layers (compaction) from building up.

The previous tractor ‘Thomas’ used by the team is now being passed onto ‘The Driving Range Manager’ as it just wasn’t powerful enough for the required equipment, so our Driving Range Manager is now happy!

We hope you enjoy the course!


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